About Me
- Name: Market-Mouro
- Location: Brooklyn, NY, United States
I am hoping to trade full time someday. I currently use Price Headley's trading system particularly combining %R and Acceleration bands. I have been following the market for about 5 years now and am determined to be a fulltime trader in the next few years. I have a MS in Biology and currently work in the Pharmaceutical industry as an Operations Manager for Clinical Trials (as fun as it sounds) and I am more than happy to take a job as a financial analyst covering the Pharma sector.
Previous Posts
- Health Mystery in New York
- Forrester's Anti-Corruption Balloon Deflating
- Fair is Fair
- Blame Clinton
- Airport Insecurity
- Frank Rich
- Hillary Don't Run
- Credibil-o-meter
- Michelle Malkin True Patriot!
- RNC BulliesTV station in Bangor
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