Media in Trouble: All the news thats UNfit to print!: FCC to Allow High-Speed Wireless Internet Access on Commercial Jetliners

"The information of the people at large can alone make them safe, as they are the sole depositary of our political and religious freedom." --Thomas Jefferson 1810

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

FCC to Allow High-Speed Wireless Internet Access on Commercial Jetliners

Well if the airwaves we listen to aren't free of bias but this decision to allow internet access on planes dawns on me as a serious threat to airline security.

Doesn't anyone else see a danger in allowing a guy to have internet access on an airplane?

You know the potential for a guy with a computer and internet access in midair to hack into the plane's computer system and drive the plane from his/her laptop.

Hmm? I'm glad I am not travelling as much as I used to.
